
Shrimp Scrambled Eggs – The Easiest Chinese Dish

Shrimp Scrambled Eggs – The Easiest Chinese Dish

I know that I talk about how easy every of my recipe is, but this one truly is the easiest out of the easy ones!

All You Need…

is LOVE!

Just kidding~ 😛 Hahaha

You only need

3-4 eggs
1-2 spring onions
1/2 – 1 cup of shrimps (peeled)
Some water & oil

1 tsp Hondashi or 1/2 tsp salt

Pretty simple, right?


1 Wash and chop the spring onions into small pieces, like shown in the image below. 

2 Lightly beat the eggs, and mix in 1 tbsp of water. 

3 Set the eggs aside, heat up the frying pan with some oil in it. 
Once the oil is heated, put in the shrimps. 
Stir-fry them until almost cooked. 

4 Push the shrimps to one side of the pan, and pour in the eggs. 
Use medium heat to cook. 
DO NOT stir the eggs immediately. 
Let the eggs form like an omelet for a bit.  

5 Add in the Hondashi  or salt.
Mix the eggs with the shrimps gently and add in the spring onions. 

(Be careful not to over cook the eggs. I usually turn the fire or heat off at this step, so the eggs can be soft and moist. )

And there, you have a plate of delicious shrimp scrambled eggs! Enjoy~ 😀

Check out my easy Chinese recipes:

>>> Simple Potstickers Recipe

>>> Delicious & Healthy Steamed Fish

>>> Chinese Ribs and Radish Soup