



>>> 我被米國逼得突破自我XD:包粽子日記 <<<




名字聽起來就很厲害的說~ 不過其實食譜看起來超簡單的。

Dragon Boat Festival, one of my favorite holiday as a kid living in Taiwan. My grandma would always make delicious rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves. We call this dish, ZongZi. These rice dumplings are usually savory in my culture, but there are sweet versions of them as well.

>>> Learn More about Dragon Boat Festival <<<

Last year, I tried to make some ZongZi with my grandma’s secret recipe, and it was a success! I felt really comforted as I missed my family and friends in my hometown so much.
This year, other than making the savory rice dumplings, I would like to give myself another challenge of making a sweet one. After searching for inspiration on the internet, I decided to make the fancy sounding…

!!! Purple Crystal Rice Dumpling !!!

The name sounds really fancy, but it is actually super easy to make~

材料 Ingredients


紫薯- 1~2 顆 (看大小)
西米- 2包
無鹽奶油- 半條 or 4 湯匙
糖- 4 湯匙
油- 少許
黑芝麻粉- 2 湯匙 (可有可無)

1 or 2 Purple Yam (Sweet Potato)
2 bags Sago (Also called tapioca pearls)
1 bag Bamboo leaves
4 tbp Unsalted Butter
4 tbp Sugar
Some Vegetable Oil
2 tbp Black Sesame Powder (optional)
Some cotton strings

The amount of each ingredient needed may vary, depending on how much yam you end up using.
All these ingredients can be found on Amazon, but they will be a lot cheaper at your local Asian markets.

Soak bamboo leaves in water till soft, and boil them in water for 10 to 15 minutes.


The purple yam that I use is about the size of my two fists. Wash and peel first, and then cut it into thin slices.

放到鍋子裡蒸。蒸多久就得看切的厚度和海拔啦~ 反正就到可以輕易用筷子戳穿就好。再把紫薯放大一個大碗裡。

Put some water in a pot, enough to cover about 1 inch at the bottom. Steam the yam until it is soft enough to be poked through easily. Get the cooked yam into a bowl.
You can use a steamer or just use a pot and a round baking rack, like I did here.

記得要邊攪邊微笑,像我女兒一樣,做出來的食物才會有甜甜的幸福感呦! 哈哈


Add in the melted butter and sugar. Mix well and mash the yams into a paste.
It is very important that you do these steps with a full smile like my daughter did, in order to achieve the best taste. Heeh.

Depending on how much yam you use, you might need to add more sugar.


If you would like it to taste even better, add in some black sesame powder.


記得不要泡水呦~ 不然做出來就會糊成一團,而不是一顆顆珍珠的感覺。

Rinse the tapioca pearls to damp them, and pour out the extra water.

Don’t soak them in water.
Don’t use all the tapioca pearls in one go. Open one bag first, and start wrapping and add more if needed along the way.


Brush some oil on the surface of the bamboo leaves. Layer two bamboo leaves together and fold them into a cone. Put some tapioca pearls at the bottom of the cone, and then add some purple yam paste, and cover it up with some more pearls. Close the cone by folding down the leaves, wrap them around the shape and secure it with a long cotton string.


Ya… Kinda hard to explain how to wrap a rice dumpling with words… just watch the tutorial video by @misstsang7787 below!


I tried wrapping my dumplings in another way, which makes the dumpling into a more linear shape.
Please see the Youtube video below to learn how to do it.


Steam the wrapped dumplings for 40 minutes with heat at high level.




That’s it! Very simple, and it’s time to enjoy the result of your hard work.

The dumpling is more soft while it is still hot. The cooler it gets, the chewier it becomes. Some people like it soft, and some like it chewy.

端午節快樂!Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

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