
女兒的可愛房間 – 租屋的溫馨低預算佈置

女兒的可愛房間 – 租屋的溫馨低預算佈置



“反正不久以後又要搬家了” “如果有自己的房子就可以好好佈置了!”




所以今天要跟大家分享,我自己的 簡單、省錢、方便帶走、又不會違規的居家佈置~!

Do you find yourself lack of motivation in decorating your rental place? Well, I certainly did…… heeh heeh.
“I will be moving sometime again, why spend all those time and money on decorating?”

I used to daydream how I would decorate my house when I finally bought our own place. But then when I stayed at some stylish airbnb, the nicely decorated space helped me feel relaxed. It made me really want to have that feeling at home as well!

I started spending more effort into beautifying my rental apartment, and it has improved my mental wellness so much. Organizing and cleaning is a very satisfying journey, and waking up in a pleasant-looking room every morning just adds more joy to life.

The apartment that we are currently living in is a rental place. I face the same decorating challenges that are common for many renters: moving again soon, don’t have a big budget, restrictions from landlords or property management……

But I have figured out how to do simple decoration that is moving-friendly, on a low budget, and doesn’t break any rules. 😀

I will gradually share more about the other rooms in our tiny apartment. And hopefully some of my photos and experience will spark some ideas for you or give you the motivation you need. Cuz decorating can be really simple, and even the smallest change can make a huge impact on the vibe of your space!

女兒的房間 My Daughter’s Room

都搬了一年了,還是有些空間沒整理好 嘿嘿 XD


My daughter’s room was the first one that I finished decorating after moving in a year ago.
(And yes… even after one year of moving into this apartment, I still have some rooms with boxes and not done with organizing… heeh Mom’s life, you know.)
My daughter’s room and the dining room are my two favorite space in our apartment. The dining room is kind of messy right now, so after I have tidy it up, I will share photos of it too. 😀

So… This is her big girl room!




My daughter “graduated” from her crib since she was only 8 months old. She never slept well in her crib really…
At first, we gave her a twin size daybed, but she still loved sleeping in our bed… So after we moved to where we are right now, I just decided to give her our queen size bed. Now she has plenty of space to roll around in her sleep.

Has she ever rolled off the bed? Yes, but only a few times.
After a few roll-off, I think somehow her body remembers where the edge of the bed is even in her sleep, and she had never fallen off from her bed again.
When we moved here, she was almost 2, and she could easily climb up and down the bed by herself. Therefore, I’m not too worried when she does roll off the bed. (And the floor is carpeted.) I just keep the floor toy-free at night, so she doesn’t bump into anything hard if she does accidentally fall off the bed.

女兒的房間,我是選擇用這組調色盤 (Color Palette)。


不會自己配顏色,沒關係!上網搜“color palette”就有很多例子了,

For my daughter’s bedroom, I chose this color palette. She loves ice cream a lot, and I thought minty green and pink are pretty “ice creamy” colors. I loved to keep her room “light” and not over-complicated, so I chose white and light grey, which are subtle colors that can go with anything.

I always choose a color palette before I start decorating. It helps me to choose the right items and colors that will work with the rest of the room.
Usually I just search “color palette” online, and download the color combination that I like most. I save the color palette in my phone, so I can compare the items with it when I go shopping. Always refer to the color palette when choosing the furniture or decor for your room.

It’s good to limit to 5 colors in decorating. When there are more than 5 major colors in a room, it can start to look messy really easily. It’s a safe rule to follow when you’re not a decorating master yet.

當然有錢的話,也可以買質感更好的畫框啦~ 不過我就是想省錢呀~!



My talented sister-in-law painted the 3 Ghibli-Studio-inspired paintings for us. I found the plastic frames from Walmart, and I spray-painted them gold (they were originally black) to match the color scheme of this room.

Spray paint is a wonderful tool when you’re on a limited budget, but still want things to look fancy!

Of course, if you have the money, you can always get frames of better quality. But one of the pros for using plastic frames (completely plastic, no glass) is that I don’t need to worry about them falling and hurting my girl by accidents. They are super light weighted and no glass.

I love this upholstered bed frame from Walmart (online). Although it was cheap, it hasn’t had any problems for 3 years and survived my daughter’s jumping so far, so I guess the quality isn’t too bad. haha. The upholstered bed not only looks more cozy and high-end, it is also safe for my little monkey who loves to jump up and down in her bed. Don’t need to worry about her bumping her head into a hard edge or something.

大象圖案的小檯燈是在Baby R Us倒閉之前,大清倉時買的。



我喜歡這張小桌子是 (半) 圓的、它的桌沿也是圓的,而不是直角。
塑膠材質還是比木頭有彈性一點… 就算是木頭的傢俱也一定會選四角是圓的。



I got the little blue lamp from Baby R Us, before they closed down. I waited until they were doing 60% off throughout the whole store. (They started from 20% off when they first announced their bankruptcy, and gradually increase when it got closer to their final closing date.) When a store is closing soon, it’s a great opportunity to shop. I would say “good things definitely always come to those who wait.” 😀

The red side table is from Ikea. It has a plastic surface with metal legs. Yes, red is not in my color palette. But the table is small and the skinny metal legs makes it look light and not bulky, so its impact on the whole room isn’t strong. It is also the only red object in the room. If there were more red items, the design would have been ruined.
The main reason that I chose this side table was that the edge is round, and plastic is not hard as wood to hit on. Haha, you may have noticed that I chose furnitures for my daughter’s room solely according to “whether she will get hurt when she bumps into it accidentally.”

When decorating a room for young children, it’s crucial to take safety into consideration. Safety first, then aesthetic.
Some furniture pieces or decor may be stunning, but not always safe for young children.

仔細看的話,應該會發現這是浴室用的浴簾竿子和浴簾。 哈哈~!

而且百葉窗看起來就是很出租屋…… 加上窗簾會更有溫馨感!


Yes, I used shower curtain as the window curtain. Hahaha.
When we moved to this apartment, the bathrooms have class doors, so I put away the shower curtains used in our last house. But I soon realized that the window blinds were not enough to keep the light from the street out at night. We’re not allowed to create huge holes in the wall at our rented apartment, so I just used our old shower curtain and rod for the bedroom window. Of course it doesn’t look as good as a properly installed curtain, but it’s not too bad either, and it functions well.

For me, these typical white plastic window blinds scream “rental apartment”, and adding curtains to the windows definitely makes the space more homey.




Originally, I was going to get my daughter’s room a proper dresser. However, since she had learned to crawl, she loves to open and explore all the drawers around the house. Considering getting a heavy wooden dresser might be dangerous for my active girl, I eventually decided to get a temporary plastic one. I plan on getting her a bigger and nicer dresser once she is older.
I got this mint plastic dresser from Walmart. It has that woven texture on the surface which makes it look better than ordinary plastic. I’m glad that I could find it in the color that matches the room. Even though the material is cheap, the color coordination allows the dresser to fit in.



I love this floor lamp from IKEA so much that I have to give it a solo shot. Hahahaha~ It is just so adorable! Look at its curve and simplicity! It kinda looks like a stage light, which I think is really cool.
Best things about it are that it is sturdy and not easy to be pushed over.
I didn’t want to get a normal floor lamp that is tall and on a skinny stand. I thought my daughter would have definitely knock it over. So this one is just perfect! It’s low (short), round, and wide~ (like me! ah hahahahaha)

在門上貼了一個木頭的字母A (我女兒名字的字首)。


This is my daughter’s room from another angle. My daughter’s name starts with A, so I put a wooden letter A on her door. I found it in a thrift store for only 50 cents! I love treasure hunting at thrift stores!

It is fun to shop at second-hand stores, but also gotta be careful not to bring more junk home just because the prices are low. 😀

三幅畫是我請我妹妹畫的。我女兒出生時,我妹就問我要送什麼,我說“可以畫一些畫嗎?” 很喜歡她的可愛風格。
女兒房間的佈置,大部分都是宮崎駿動畫中的角色。嘿嘿~ 就是喜歡這些動畫。

On the wall, right across from the bed, we hung some images that my daughter loves, so she can see them when she wakes up in the morning, and she’ll wake up happy! (It works most of the time heeh.)

The paintings are done by my talented sister. They were gifts for my daughter when she was born. I got the 2 Spirited Away prints from Etsy.
You may have noticed that all the decoration in my daughter’s are characters from the Ghibli Studio animation films. Haha. We just love those movies so much! And my daughter’s name is kinda related to the film, Spirited Away, which my favorite one from the studio!

I got the gold frames from Dollar Tree, great place for budget decor. The prints and photos also didn’t cost me much. See it doesn’t take a huge budget to decorate. 😀

最後附上幾張小猴子的照片~ (對…她每天都在床上跳跳跳)


So this is my daughter’s, simple yet cozy, bedroom.
I will share more about other spaces in our apartment soon! (After I tidy them up. heeh heeh.)

Having a nicely styled room is not only good for your mental health, but also great for photoshoots! Hahahaha~

看我其他室內佈置的文章 Read about My Airbnb Makeover:

(Sorry that these Airbnb Makeover posts are in Chinese. But it’s still fun to look at the BEFORE and AFTER photos. :D)