
充滿美好回憶的餐廳 – 租屋的溫馨低預算佈置

充滿美好回憶的餐廳 – 租屋的溫馨低預算佈置

吃,對我來說特別重要!○(* ̄︶ ̄*)○

這次要跟大家分享的是我如何佈置我們公寓的餐廳(dining room)。
一樣是用很少的預算佈置。目前租房子就是走省錢路線嘛~ ╭(′▽`)╭(′▽`)╭(′▽`)╯

Meal time has always meant a lot to me. Not only because I love to eat, but also because it is important for family bonding. If you are not familiar with Asian culture, at least Chinese culture, many families don’t have meals together, not even dinners. Being in an extremely competitive society, parents are busy with work and kids usually just go straight to more classes after school. I feel really grateful that my mom always insisted we had dinner together. It’s an important time for our whole family to bond.

My family had a beautiful dining room, and that had a huge impact on me. It’s nice to enjoy meals in a beautiful environment! Therefore, I’m sharing how I decorated the dining room in our rented apartment with a small budget.


>>> 點這裡看我女兒的房間佈置

因為餐廳的空間小,而我不想用視覺上太笨重的傢俱,會讓空間看起來擁擠。所以用的餐桌和椅子都是細腿型的,讓整個空間比較有“透視感”、輕盈感。 ~( ̄▽ ̄)~
桌子是以前在二手店買的,$20美金。桌面本來是深咖啡色的,我自己在桌面貼了一層大理石紋路貼紙marble contact paper)- 是個快速改善物品表面的好方法。白色能讓小空間顯得不擁擠。這次搬家沒有想要換新桌子,因為想說之後買了自己的房子,肯定會因空間的改變需要換桌子,所以現在就先用舊的。

My daughter’s room is my favorite space in our apartment, and our London themed dining room is my second favorite!

>>> Click here to see how I decorated my daughter’s room

My favorite feature of the dining room is actually not the decoration, but the big window. Nothing is more beautiful than natural light!
I love watching the birds and squirrels on the trees outside our window during breakfast time.

Our dining room is not an open space that it has walls on its four sides, which makes it seem really small. To avoid making the space look even more crowded, I used furnitures with “skinny legs”, which will allow the light to flow throughout the room and keep it airy.
The dining table is an old one that I found in a thrift store for $20, and we have had it for 3 years now. I covered the originally brown table top with marble contact paper. (When decorating a small space, I love using white or light colored furnitures to keep it not seems crowded.) Contact paper is a good and cheap way to give your old items a quick makeover before you decide to permanently change them. We will probably get our own home in the future, and when we do, I will definitely need to get a new dining table that fits the space in our home, so the old table will do in our apartment for now.
I got the chairs and the bench from Amazon to match with the table.


搬到這個公寓以後,決定把它們都集結起來在一個空間,製造一個 “倫敦” 主題的餐廳。 \(^o^)/ 

I first met my husband in London while doing a volunteer work for the Church. We didn’t know each other well then. I returned to the United States to finish my college after living in England for 18 months. And not long after that, my husband came to my state for school as well. He contacted me and asked me out, and the rest is history…

We both love our time in London so much that we had collected many London-related decorations and souvenirs over the years. In our previous home, the London decors were scatter all over house. When we moved into our current apartment, I decided to have them all in one place to create a stronger sense of theme. The dining room became the perfect space to display our collections.

女兒的房間,我是按照選好的“調色盤”(color palette)去佈置。


所以如果你本來就有收藏一些大幅的畫作或照片(盡量面積大的那種),就可以按照其中的顏色來佈置你的空間。 ^_^

Years ago, I bought this London double decker bus photo from another college girl who was moving for $25. (She originally purchased it from IKEA for $60.) It has been my favorite wall decor.
This wall art is my color palette for the dining room. I decorated the room according to the colors in this photo. (So mostly grey, white, other neutral colors and some red…)

If you don’t know what color palette to choose for your room, find a wall art (preferably large size) that speaks to you, and then decorate your room according to it… find matching pillows, furnitures, lamps, curtains, small decorative pieces, etc.

It’s an easy way to keep your whole room cohesive.


Other than the London decorations, I also filled one of the walls with our family portraits. It’s not just a room about our London memories, but also a room to remind us of our families during dinner time (especially when not all of them live close to us).

照片我是在Walmart印8×10寸。其實Shutterfly的畫質會更好,但我覺得以Walmart Photo這樣便宜的價位,它的品質其實也不差。(比CVS印得好,又更便宜)
畫框是在1元店買的,很便宜,也不是很堅固,但很省錢。 <( ̄ c ̄)>

I took most of these photos, expect for the wedding pictures. It’s nice to be a professional photographer, so I don’t have to spend a lot on having family photos taken.
I printed these photos (size 8×10) from Walmart Photo Center. It’s not as nice as websites like Shutterfly, but I think the quality is nicer than CVS and it’s also cheaper. (Actually, it is the cheapest photo printing service that I’ve discovered so far.)
I got the gold frames from Dollar Tree. They look nice and are super cheap, but yes, they can also break very easily… haha. However, we are in a phase of moving a lot… And things get broken during moves very easily, so these cheap frames are just perfect, ’cause I’m not going to be too sad if one of them gets broken accidentally.
Photo frames from dollar stores are great options when you are renting and have a small budget for decorating. They are light, cheap, and easy to be replaced.

去飾品店買畫,有時價錢挺貴的。( ̄▽ ̄#)

一個省錢的牆上佈置方法是:自己畫 或 用年曆(calendar)。



Wall art can be costly sometimes.

One way to save on wall art, other than DIY, you can use your old calendars.

Just frame the beautiful images of your old calendar that you got from last Christmas. If you didn’t get a calendar during the holiday, go to a mall or a bookstore in January or February, and you can find many cute calendars on sale! It’s so much cheaper than buying an actual painting.




這個吊燈是在IKEA買的,叫做“IKEA PS 2014”。(可以點擊粗體字直接去網站連結)
但我老公說它是電影星際大戰裡的“死星” 哈哈哈
看起來是蠻像的,所以我老公才會這麼想買吧! ^口^


The lighting of a room is so important and often being overlooked by many of us.

If you want your apartment to not look like a rental, invest some money in getting some nice light fixtures.
You will be surprised how a stylish pendant light or floor lamp can change the atmosphere of the whole room!

We swapped out the boring ceiling light fixture (as picture shown on the right) with an IKEA pendant light.
My husband absolutely loves it. He said that it looks like the Death Star from Star Wars. (Yes, he is a HUGE Star Wars fan.)
I’m glad we got the light. It really has made the dining atmosphere a lot nicer and made living in a rented apartment more enjoyable.



多花點心思找、多花點錢,買逼真的人造花。你不會後悔的! <( ̄︶ ̄)/

Lastly, don’t forget to accessorized the room with some plants to make the space more “lively”.

Personally, I prefer leafy plants rather than flowers. I think indoor plants without flowers give a more “timeless” vibe. And I don’t need to worry whether the color of the flowers matches the color scheme of the room.

If you a person who is not blessed with green fingers, like I am, get artificial plants. You don’t ever have to worry about watering them. However, make sure you get artificial plants that look ALMOST REAL. Although I’ve bought many decorative things from Dollar Tree, DO NOT buy artificial flowers or plants from there! Cheap looking fake plants can ruin the aesthetic of the whole room.




被掉下來的畫砸到頭可不好玩…… 對,我中過獎……

I use velcro hanging strips to hang all my wall art.

I’ve found this method the most renter-friendly. 😀
I’m amazed by how much weight the hanging strips can hold up. (Heavier paintings need more strips.)
If you have a lot to hang on the wall, like I did, I think Costco is the best place to buy hanging strips.

看我其他的室內佈置分享Check out my other interior makeover:

>>> 女兒的可愛房間 My Daughter’s Big Girl Room

>>> 度假公寓大改造(上)Florida Airbnb Makeover part 1

>>> 度假公寓大改造(上)Florida Airbnb Makeover part 2