
清蒸魚片 Steamed Fish Recipe

清蒸魚片 Steamed Fish Recipe


都是冷凍的呀!!!!(╬ ̄皿 ̄)


但還是可以做出美味、健康、壓壓吃貨的衝動的清蒸魚。( ̄▽ ̄)

The thing that I miss the most from Taiwan is the amazing SEAFOOD!
The fresh fish, shrimps as big as your palm, crabs… 
Well, you get the idea. 
It’s hard living in the middle of the States… not close to the ocean at all. 

Everything (seafood) is FROZEN!!! NO~~~

Nevertheless, I’ve still managed to figure out an easy and delicious fish dish to make at home. 

And this is probably one of the EASIET authentic Chinese dish you can make!

Steaming is a very common way to cook food in Asian. It is the best way to cook fresh ingredients, preserving the original flavor and making it tender. 
It is one of the healthiest way to cook and still taste amazing!

The reason why I usually use tilapia fillets is because it has less fishy smell. However, flounder fish fillets also taste great for steaming. 

食材 Ingredients

2片 羅非魚片 Tilapia fillets
2片 薑 Ginger
2支 蔥 Spring onion
4瓣 大蒜 Garlic cloves
1匙tbp 醬油 Soy sauce
2匙tbp 水 Water
2茶匙tsp 柴魚粉 Hondashi (Soup Stock)
1茶匙tsp 白醋 Vinegar 
1茶匙tsp 香油 Sesame oil

作法 Instructions

Defrost the fillets. Sliced the spring onion, ginger, and garlic into smaller pieces. 

Place the fish fillets on a dish with some depth. Put what you just cut up on top of the fish fillets.

Add the soy sauce, Hondashi, water, vinegar, sesame oil. 

Get a pan that is big enough for the plate, and fill water at the bottom of the pan. Don’t put too much water, or it will get into the plate when it boils. 

Turn the heat to medium, put the plate in, and put the lid on. Let steam for 5-7 minutes. 

When done, take the whole plate out carefully, and enjoy the delicious steamed fish!



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>>> Korean Stir Fried Glass Noodles